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doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 Fertility after post-cervical artificial insemination with cryopreserved sperm from boar ejaculates of good and poor freezability Casas Roqueta, Isabel ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
doc icon DUGiDocs 5 febrer 2016 Freezability markers for boar sperm: new proteomic approaches Vilagran Martí, Ingrid
out url icon Recercat Freezability markers for boar sperm: new proteomic approaches Vilagran Martí, Ingrid
out url icon Recercat Freezability prediction of boar ejaculates assessed by functional sperm parameters and sperm proteins Casas Roqueta, Isabel ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 octubre 2009 Freezability prediction of boar ejaculates assessed by functional sperm parameters and sperm proteins Casas Roqueta, Isabel ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
out url icon Recercat Heat-Induced gelation mechanism of blood plasma modulated by cysteine Saguer Hom, Elena ; Álvarez, Patricia ; Fort Fort, Nuri ; Espigulé, Eva ; Parés i Oliva, Dolors ; Toldrà i Alegret, Mònica ; Carretero Romay, Carmen
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Heat-Induced gelation mechanism of blood plasma modulated by cysteine Saguer Hom, Elena ; Álvarez, Patricia ; Fort Fort, Nuri ; Espigulé, Eva ; Parés i Oliva, Dolors ; Toldrà i Alegret, Mònica ; Carretero Romay, Carmen
doc icon DUGiDocs maig 2016 Improving the stability of an hem-based food colorant by means of spray-drying encapsulation Chhun, Senghak
out url icon Recercat Improving the stability of an hem-based food colorant by means of spray-drying encapsulation Chhun, Senghak
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2015 The Improving stability of hemoglobin-based natural food colorant by means encapsulation with calcium alginate Koemseang, Sok
out url icon Recercat The Improving stability of hemoglobin-based natural food colorant by means encapsulation with calcium alginate Koemseang, Sok
doc icon DUGiDocs 19 desembre 2019 Influence of feeding restriction and dietary phosphorus levels on body tissue composition evaluated in vivo by computed tomography, bone mineralisation and sensory properties of the meat from gilts Luo, Xin
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2006 Influència de la restricció alimentària i del maneig presacrifici sobre el benestar i la qualitat de la canal i la carn en porcí Cros i Jordana, Josep
out url icon Recercat Influència de la restricció alimentària i del maneig presacrifici sobre el benestar i la qualitat de la canal i la carn en porcí Cros i Jordana, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2015 Investigating small intestine’s permeability via TEER and tight junction expression Iranzo Jiménez, Pilar
out url icon Recercat Investigating small intestine’s permeability via TEER and tight junction expression Iranzo Jiménez, Pilar
out url icon Recercat Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands Badia Brea, Maria Elena ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pastor, L.M. ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Garcia Gil, Núria ; Bassols Casadevall, Judit ; Kádár García, Elisabeth ; Pruneda Sais, Anna ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
out url icon Recercat Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands Badia Brea, Maria Elena ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pastor, L.M. ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Garcia Gil, Núria ; Bassols Casadevall, Judit ; Kádár García, Elisabeth ; Pruneda Sais, Anna ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands Badia Brea, Maria Elena ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pastor, L.M. ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Garcia Gil, Núria ; Bassols Casadevall, Judit ; Kádár García, Elisabeth ; Pruneda Sais, Anna ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands Badia Brea, Maria Elena ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pastor, L.M. ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Garcia Gil, Núria ; Bassols Casadevall, Judit ; Kádár García, Elisabeth ; Pruneda Sais, Anna ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
doc icon DUGiDocs 2005 Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands Badia Brea, Maria Elena ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Pastor, Luis Miguel ; Sancho Badell, Sílvia ; Garcia Gil, Núria ; Bassols Casadevall, Judit ; Kádár García, Elisabeth ; Pruneda Sais, Anna ; Bussalleu Muntada, Eva ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc ; Bonet, Sergi
doc icon DUGiDocs 12 novembre 2021 Metabolomic fingerprinting of pig seminal plasma identifies in vivo fertility biomarkers Mateo Otero, Yentel ; Fernández López, Pol ; Delgado Bermúdez, Ariadna ; Nolis, Pau ; Roca, Jordi ; Miró, Jordi ; Barranco, Isabel ; Yeste Oliveras, Marc
doc icon DUGiDocs 2022 Millora del benestar animal en el sector porcí i la seva respectiva millora a la qualitat de la carn Massachs Bogunyà, Biel
out url icon Recercat La nutrición del ganado porcino a las puertas del nuevo siglo González i Planas, Francesc
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